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  • Are pigeons considered pests?
    Yes, pigeons are considered a pest in Australia because pigeons can damage property by flocking and nesting in places like ledges, attics, sheds, under rooftop structures, different roofing locations, and more. Their droppings can deface buildings, statues, machinery, vehicles, equipment, stock, produce, workspaces and more. Pigeons can spread diseases to humans through their droppings or respiratory droplets. These diseases include pigeon ornithosis, encephalitis, and aspergillosis. Pigeons can also carry ectoparasites like bugs, ticks, mites, and flies.
  • Do pigeons carry diseases?
    Yes, pigeons can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans. These diseases can be spread through the dust created when cleaning pigeon droppings. Psittacosis: A flu-like illness that can cause inflammation of the brain tissue Cryptococcosis: A disease that can be transmitted through pigeon droppings Histoplasmosis: A disease that can be transmitted through pigeon droppings Salmonella: A bacterial infection that can cause diarrhea How to reduce the risk: Avoid direct contact with pigeon droppings Wash your hands and any exposed skin after cleaning up pigeon droppings Wear disposable gloves and clothes that can be washed when cleaning up pigeon droppings Deter pigeons from your property using visual or audio deterrents, bird spikes, or optical gel
  • The birds have made such a mess and I am embarrassed, but need help.
    Please do not feel embarressed. This is not your fault. This is a pest bird that has taken over your space. We have seen it all and understand the situation. Please do not hesitate to contact us, as we are here to help you in this situation.
  • Can Johnny Stags help with getting rid of my pest bird problem?
    Yes. Depending on the infestation, generally 1 to 2 visits may help reduce numbers dramatically in mid-range situations. If the infestation is larger, the first night we will be able to eliminate a large number of pest birds, but if they are not in an inclosed area, we may need to come back for a follow up visit/s to knock out any stranglers that may have flown off or some that may have not been there that evening or day and have come back. They are birds, birds do fly. We have a really high success rate with bird elimination and are about helping you and your situation.
  • What impact do feral pigs have on cotton crops?
    The benefit of feral animal control, is avoiding the damage that would have otherwise occurred had the control methods not been put in place. Minimising yield damage at an enterprise level is the primary reason for feral pig control, however the benefits of thorough control can flow-on to other enterprises and subsequent seasons. Additionally, control of feral pigs can avoid damage to the environment and infrastructure such as fences and dams. Cotton was reported to be damaged by feral pigs from rooting planted seeds and the plant, feeding on bolls and trampling the crop when using it is a habitat.
  • What Impact do feral pigs have on chickpea crop?
    Survey results were consistent with the literature which states feral pigs selectively consume food sources such as pulses. The net economic benefit is the avoided losses (estimated economic crop loss) multiplied by the effectiveness of control, minus the control costs. 1000 simulations of the model using different data combinations (pig damage, crop yield, commodity prices and control effectiveness) showed that there was an immediate economic net benefit of up to $96 /ha for feral pig control in chickpeas.
  • Regular Feral Animal Control Benefits - Ground Shooting.
    Ground shooting of feral pigs undertaken by licensed shooters is the most commonly. Survey of land managers, ground shooting was reported as the most commonly used, yet least effective control method. Key farming enterprises were modelled to understand the net economic benefit of various feral pig control methods. Using different data combinations of pig damage, crop yield, commodity prices, control cost and effectiveness. The greatest benefit is when ground shooting is used as part of a control program for high-value enterprises, such as cotton and chickpeas.
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